The sweet smell of sunscreen, the sound of laughter, and the sight of smiling faces- it’s that time of year again! I’m Sarah Morgan, the Executive Director of Camp High Hopes, and I am thrilled to announce that we are just over one week away from the start of summer camp! Our camp, which educates and inspires individuals with disabilities, is a place that brings joy, laughter, and companionship into the lives of kids, teens, and adults from across the tri-state region.
In this Smile Scoops post, I want to share the excitement that I, our staff, and our volunteers feel as we prepare to welcome our campers and their families to our beautiful camp. I want to inspire you with our vision, connect with you by sharing our upcoming events, and, most importantly, celebrate your support in bringing this dream of creating inclusive outdoor camping experiences to life.
At Camp High Hopes, our vision is to provide an environment of acceptance and understanding for individuals with disabilities. We strive to create a safe and inclusive community grounded in a culture of compassion, respect, and fun. Our goal is to inspire our campers - to help them realize their potential, push their boundaries, and feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Summer camp is about making memories, friendships, learning new skills, and total immersion in nature. At Camp High Hopes, we believe everyone deserves the chance to create those special moments, regardless of their abilities.
Our camp is special, but we couldn’t do it alone. That’s why I want to acknowledge and thank our supporters: our families, donors, and volunteers. Because of your unwavering support, we can offer camp scholarships to those in need, purchase equipment to provide an engaging and accessible experience, and ensure that everyone who enters our gate feels welcome and accepted.
Summer event season is finally here, and it's time to enjoy some fun in the sun! Two exciting events are coming up that you won’t want to miss. The first is Rib Fest Roadside, taking place on June 10th from 8 am to 11 am at Hard Rock's Battery Park. You can pre-order your premium ribs now for as low as $8 per slab and pick them up at our drive-through event. But that's not all! Our annual Rib Fest on June 24th promises to be an even bigger celebration. The region's best pit masters will compete for the title of best ribs and chicken while live music, games, drinks, and family-friendly activities keep everyone entertained. Make sure to mark your calendar and join us for these fantastic events!
As I close this message, I invite you to join us in supporting our campers either in person at one of our events or with a monetary donation to put a smile on a camper’s face. We all can share the magic of summer camp at Camp High Hopes. We’re inspired to create new connections this summer and to make this a time when we learn from one another. We hope to be a source of inspiration and joy to you, your family, and our community. Our mission is only made possible thanks to your generous support, and we thank you for being a part of our family. So come on and join us - let's make this summer one to remember!
